Law of averages is enhanced dramatically when a genuine interest in finding a business of your own causes a change in the way you think. From the instant that you thought about the possibility of starting your own business, a certain law in the Universe is activated. It’s a well known law but one very few understand or even believe that it exists.
My dirty little secret, one of them, I have more than one, It exists and it is as real as all the scientific evidence that the vast Universe exists and is ever expanding. I’m a product of that knowledge and it’s responsible for some very dramatic changes in my life since 2000 shortly after I turned 53 and I’m 65 at the time of this writing. I’ve owned my own business since 1978.
The Law is the Law of Attraction. Whatever you think about the most is drawn to you. The only flaw in this Law is solely your variables. What is it that you are truly wanting? Is it a business of your own, then you shall have one. Is it a successful business of your own that you are wanting? Then you shall have that as well, but, you knew their just had to be a ‘but’.
Are you afraid of success, sort of, kind of? Deep down if you have this little nagging fear of how it might negatively change your life, then if you are not careful of what you think about the most….zap, you are going to get that too. A business you may find but not a successful one.
Another common fear is the costs associated with a business of your own. The more you think that thought the more thoughts just like it will be drawn to your thoughts and the only way to get off that train of thoughts is to be self confident of what you really want in a business, what you really have as a budget and those types of business offerings will almost magically begin showing up for your review.
Don’t be alarmed if you are thinking this is some form of hocus pocus. That is another dirty little secret now revealed. You may find it hard to believe but you were drawn to this article, not by chance but by the Law of Attraction because it somehow fits your thoughts perfectly.
If you choose not to continue reading this article, you may want to click on the link: to at least understand the unique marketing plan that is behind Shawn’s concept. This is a genuine Guide offering from a sincere individual who obviously loves what he has accomplished and presents it in a way to the budget conscious and to the level of support they need for their own definition of success.
At first glance, especially if you have been browsing for business opportunities, you think this is yet another house cleaning business. It’s about you giving thought to your own commercial janitorial business. Commercial rings the register differently and Shawn will efficiently and quickly explain why and what level of extra income you can expect working just a few hours in an evening that won’t interfere with your regular daytime job until you want it to.
You don’t have to be afraid to click on the link I reference. Your browser will open up a quality, very easy to understand website that is unique in an offering that is so dirt cheap reasonable and requires no opt in forms to learn about the system. You would expect a hard hitting sales page that goes on and on and on with enough bullet points to literally insult your intelligence and make you feel like Swiss cheese. It’s not what you want, the Universe is listening.
I’m in the marketing and sales business and I am impressed that Shawn has a viable business that he wants to share with you and it’s about a Janitorial Commercial Cleaning business that he himself successfully grew into. He has no greedy desire to sell franchises. His start up and operational guide is so reasonable and you can optionally request having a monthly consulting package to hold your hand to lean on and help grow your new business.
This is not about selling you on the business. In your quest in checking out a business of your own you probably have already seen dozens of national cleaning companies wanting you to join their team. Remember I said you were drawn to this article/post because you already know you want to start a business but for whatever is the real reason that you don’t have one yet, it is because this law of attraction thing. This may be the link that sets your minding thinking in an entirely new direction.
When you believe in yourself and you believe in your business model, you think differently, your responses are different; the Law of Attraction brings more and more of those self confident thoughts into your thinking and its those thoughts that will become t