From Cairns to Cricket Australia

From Cairns to Cricket Australia

                                                       Hundreds of new smartphone applications are popping up each day, so it’s not hard to completely forget about old-fashioned board and dice games. In fact, when was the last time you sat down and played a game of cards or Monopoly?
With this in mind, three regular Aussie mates decided to revive the entertaining and social dice game and bring back old school face-to-face table top gaming.
Hamish Sterling, one of the original three developers of the dice game, Pocket Cricket, said Australians already loved their creation.
“We believe people of all ages love dice games and, in Australia, they also love cricket,” Hamish said.
“Our product is affordable, portable and can be played anytime, anywhere – without batteries or power cords.”
With very few board games designed in Australia, and no sports-based dice games, Pocket Cricket had little competition and quickly took off with cricket and gaming fans.
“After offering it to a few other games publishers and being turned down, we self-published and tested the water with an initial print run of 1000 units,” Hamish said.
“We then approached Cricket Australia to seek their logo and successfully negotiated an agreement.”
Pocket Cricket is now part of Cricket Australia’s merchandise range and is sold at all international cricket matches throughout Australia.
But Hamish and his team didn’t want to stop there. The next stop for Pocket Cricket had to be the home of cricket – the UK.
“We’ve got a couple of retailers in the UK and have recently signed a deal to produce branded sets for a very popular County Cricket team,” Hamish said.
From a couple of mates with an idea to one of the biggest sporting merchandise companies in the country, Pocket Cricket is spreading around the world one coffee table and pub bar at a time.
For more information on Pocket Footy and Pocket Cricket or to purchase your very own game go to: or email

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